Student Handbooks

Do you have the latest Golden Leopard Kempo handbooks? They are important for your training. The Handbooks contain information that is vital for you to read and have in your reference library. They will be a great benefit in your Kempo development and memory retention, allowing you to look up information when you get stuck during self-study.

The Handbooks also contain our history, a complete description of our requirements, and test questions. The Handbook is printed in a spiral bound format so you can keep it open on the floor or on the table. There is plenty of room for you to make notes in the margins. They are periodically updated with corrections and new information.

If you aren't yet taking advantage of the Handbooks, now is the time to get with it. Here are the available Handbooks for our valued students.

Beta versions have most of the material present but may have errors and omissions. They are sold under the condition that the student provide feedback on the material and errors found. Think of yourself as 'beta testers'. Also let us know what things you'd like to see included.

Note: All handbooks are sold only to current, active students in good standing with Golden Leopard Kempo. Currently, we are considering a home study program for dedicated students. If you are interested in this program (and the course handbook), please email your desire to our sales department.

For those early students who want to update their "beta" copy, the Manuscript, please contact Sifu. You'll receive a credit when you turn in your old handbook for the final release. Also ask about Sifu's special Old School class, complete with "Rock'em Sock'em" and "The Grind".