This is a breakdown of the important criteria in the Golden Leopard Kempo teaching curriculum. Please note that the curriculum went under some modifications as we streamline our coursework so we transmit quality information to all our students. We desire to create the best system for learning martial arts effectively.
Golden Leopard Kempo Karate
There are two tracks in this course. The Karazenpo track which teaches Punch Counters and Monkey Dances. The Shaolin Kempo track which teaches Combinations and Pinans.
- Defense manuvers and punch counters
- Weapon defenses (club and knives) and grab arts
- Fourteen Monkey Dance kata (Palama Set)
- Two (2) Man Soft Fist Set
- Fourteen Kamuki Set kata (1-14 Kata)
- Blocking Sets (6)
- Fourteen Shaolin Set kata (Swift Tiger, Tai Sing Mon, 1000 Buddhas, etc.)
- Twelve ranks towards Black Belt (White, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Blue, Green, Brown belts)
Golden Leopard Kempo Jujutsu
- Throwing, locking, evasions, submission and holding techniques
- Methods of applying pressure at certain nerve points
- Randori exercises and Shiai sparring
- Ukemi - rolls, slap outs, brake falls, and other mat work
- Aiki principles from seiza and standing
- Mixed Martial Arts transitions and training
- Jujitsu history and theories
- Seven ranks towards Black Belt (White, Gold, Camo, Teal, Sand, Tan, Gray belts)
Golden Leopard Kempo Kobudo
- Zones of attacks and counters
- Single baston, double baston, etc.
- Alive hand and checks
- Traditional weapons (nunchuku, bo, sai, etc.), kihon and kata
- No ranking, rather you earn patches and certificate per weapon.
Golden Leopard Kempo Tai Chi
- Chi gung exercises and Taoist yoga
- Pushing hands and line drills
- Tai chi, pa kua and hsing yi forms
- Linking forms and combat applications
- Five levels towards Black sash (Tao Yin, Hua Tuo, T'ai Chi, Pa Kua, and Liang Yi)
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